Injectable Collagen Treatment For Pittsburgh-Area

Collagen is one of the most abundant building blocks in our bodies. This protein is vital in providing structure and strength to our skin, among other things. But as we age, our body naturally produces less collagen. Depleted collagen levels are one of the main reasons our skin begins to sag or wrinkle as we age.

Sculptra­ is an injectable treatment that stimulates natural collagen production, boosting skin structure and complexion. Sculptra is a safe, FDA-approved injectable with minimal downtime.

What is Sculptra® Used For?

Sculptra® is a dermal filler made from Poly-L-lactic acid – a synthetic polymer that stimulates collagen production. Sculptra® is injected into the treatment area just under the skin’s surface and acts as a collagen stimulator. Increasing collagen production makes the patient’s skin more toned, resulting in fewer wrinkles and improved structure.

The results are not immediate because Sculptra® works by stimulating a natural protein response in your body. It may take several days to a few weeks to see results. However, those results are long-lasting, often lasting up to two years.

Sculptra® is also very safe. Most patients report no side effects. In rare cases, temporary swelling, bruising, or redness may occur. Sculptra® injections are non-invasive, meaning treatment is quick and has minimal recovery time.

When Should You Expect Results?

Schedule a Consultation Today to See If Sculptra® Is Right for You

Sculptra® is one of the most popular biostimulating dermal fillers available for good. It has already helped thousands achieve more youthful and radiant skin by taking advantage of natural bodily functions. If you’re considering Sculptra® treatment, contact Refreshed Aesthetics today to book an appointment.